There are, of course, many good reasons to have your data back-up in the cloud. But for many businesses, cloud-only is not the answer.
For these companies, a hybrid cloud/on-prem back-up is ideal. A hybrid solution backs up your data locally – such as to a hard-drive or server located in your office – and also to servers that are located off-site. (Note that sometimes, people will refer to this as a private cloud/public cloud hybrid–these people are referring to the on-premise back-up as a private cloud.)
Lets take a look at a couple of the key reasons a business would go with a hybrid solution.
One of the prominent reasons for hybrid success? A feeling of additional security provided by on-site back-ups. Yes, these businesses trust their cloud providers enough to back-up their data there, but they also like knowing they have access to their data on-site as well.
Another reason for a hybrid solution is that, in fact, it offers additional redundancy of data back-up (even if the cloud provider is already offering redundancy).
Depending on the parameters of your off-site cloud back-up solution and your internet connection, having a hybrid solution can also offer you quicker access to your data back-up in case of emergency. Indeed, some hybrid solutions will only save short-term/limited-time back-ups on-site, while keeping full records in the cloud. The short-term data critical for day-to-day operations can be accessed immediately, while long-term back-ups can be accessed later.